7 Deliciously Healthy Potato Recipes You Need to Try

Baked Potato Wedges:

Baked potato wedges are a healthier alternative to fries. Cut potatoes into wedges, mix them with a little olive oil, salt, and your favourite herbs. Bake it until it get crispy and golden. They are perfect for a snack or side dish.

Sweet Potato Chips:

These potato chips are crunchy and sweet. Slice sweet potatoes thinly, coat them lightly with olive oil and a pinch of salt. Bake them in the oven until they are crispy. They can be a great snack option for any time of the day.

Potato Skins:

Potato skins are delicious and easy to make. Scoop out the insides of baked potatoes, leaving a thin layer of potato. Brush with olive oil, and bake until it get crispy. Fill with healthy toppings like Greek yogurt, chopped veggies, or a sprinkle of cheese.

Mashed Potato Balls:

Mashed potato balls are a fun snack. Mix mashed potatoes with some veggies and a little cheese. Form into balls, roll in breadcrumbs, and bake until golden. They are crispy on the outside and soft from the inside.

Potato Salad:

Potato salad can be healthy if you use the right ingredients. Boil potatoes and mix them with a light dressing made from Greek yogurt or olive oil, and add plenty of fresh vegetables like cucumbers, tomatoes, and onions.

Roasted Potatoes:

Roasted potatoes are simple and tasty. Cut potatoes into small pieces, mix it with olive oil, salt, pepper, and your favourite herbs. Roast in the oven until they are crispy and golden brown. They make a great snack or side dish.

Potato and Veggie Patties:

Potato and veggie patties are a great way to use leftover potatoes. Mix mashed potatoes with grated vegetables like carrots, peas, and spinach. Fill it into patties and cook in a non-stick pan until it get golden on both sides.


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