7 Different Types Of Whales That You Should Know

Blue Whale

Recognised as the Earth's largest creature, renowned for its colossal size and deep blue-grey hue.

Humpback Whale

Notable for their unique arched appearance as they dive, forming a distinctive "humpbacked" profile.

Sperm Whale

Distinguished as the largest toothed whale, famed for its enormous head and substantial spermaceti organ.

Orca (Killer Whale)

Highly intelligent beings known for their intricate social dynamics and hunting tactics.

Gray Whale

Familiar for their extensive migrations between Arctic feeding grounds and warmer breeding waters.

Fin Whale

Ranking second only to the blue whale in size, they boast a recognizable asymmetrical colouring on their lower jaw.

Beluga Whale

Identified by their striking white coloration and rounded foreheads, they inhabit the frigid waters of the Arctic and subarctic regions.


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