7 Exotic Fruits You've Probably Never Heard Of

(All images credit: Freepik)

Anupama Jha
Jul 28, 2024


Mangosteen is known as the "queen of fruits." It has a sweet and tangy flavor, with a purple rind and juicy, white segments inside.


Often called the "king of fruits," durian has a strong odor but is loved for its creamy texture and unique taste.


Rambutan resembles a hairy lychee. Inside, you'll find juicy, sweet flesh that's both refreshing and delicious.

Salak (Snake Fruit)

Named for its reddish-brown scaly skin, salak has a sweet and tangy flavor with a crisp texture.


This Brazilian grape tree fruit grows directly on the trunk. It has a sweet, grape-like taste and is often used in jellies and wines.


Mark Twain called cherimoya "the most delicious fruit known to men." Its creamy, custard-like flesh tastes like a blend of banana, pineapple, and strawberry.


Lucuma is often used in desserts and ice creams in South America. It has a sweet, maple-like flavor and is packed with nutrients.


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