Top 7 Facts About Cats

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 21, 2023

Cats May Leap Up To Six Times Their Height

Cats can jump really high and are excellent jumpers. They can launch themselves into the air because of their powerful leg muscles.

They Have 18 Toes In All

Each of a cat's front paws has five toes. Then, their back paws have four toes.

There Are Over 500 Million Pet Cats

Cats are one of the most often owned pets, hence there are plenty of them in the entire world.

The Average Cat Snoozes For 13 To 16 Hours Everyday

They do this in order to conserve energy. In the wild, they would reserve their energy for going on food hunts

A cat's Lifespan Is Equivalent To 15 Years In a Person's Life

Cats age considerably more quickly than people do, and they also have shorter lives. Accordingly, a cat's first year of life is equivalent to 15 human years.

The Singapura Is The Tiniest Breed Of Cat

Singapura cat breed is the tiniest. It is Singaporean in origin. They are around half as large as a typical house cat.

A Cat That Purrs Is Happy

A cat will often purr when it is satisfied and happy Usually, this happens when it is receiving a gentle stroking from its owner. Their purr serves as a means of communication.


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