7 Great Life Lessons To Learn From Lord Shiva

Zee Media Bureau
Jul 29, 2024

Control Your Anger

Lord Shiva is known as the destroyer and creator according to Hindu mythology, He teaches us to lesser focus on negative thoughts that exist in us and try to manage anger.


Lord Shiva immensely known as Yoginath, emphasizes the relationship of inner control and mindfulness. By practicing meditation we can control our emotional balance and cultivate mental clarity.

Self -Discipline

Lord Shiva teaches us to embrace self-discipline even in big problems. He teaches us that self-control can come from the power to control emotions and thoughts to achieve our goals.


Lord Shiva accepts and treats all beings as one regardless of gender, culture, or religion, simultaneously we should practice inclusivity and treat others kindly.

Accept Change

Lord Shiva emphasizes the power of inner magic by accepting change, which leads to some good change. One can learn from changing their negative energy into positive.

Respect Diversity

Lord Shiva teaches us not to judge another person by their appearance and culture but rather embrace diversity and togetherness because everyone has something valuable to offer.

Embrace Solicitude

Lord Shiva teaches us to detach from the outside materialistic desires and embrace inner peace and oneness.

Consult An Expert

This web story is meant for informational purposes only and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by qualified medical professionals


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