7 Habits That Make Men Look Weak And Under Confident

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 06, 2024

Comparing Yourself

Focusing on others and comparing yourself with them limits your own potential. Everybody can not be the same and hence avoid comparison and start focusing on your growth.

Not Owning Your Mistakes

As per our usual habits, we look for something else to blame for our mistakes. “it's not my fault” it’s this person's fault, it’s the faulty equipment, it’s the economy. Instead know that failure is inevitable and more importantly useful.

Letting Fear Control You

Many live in fear, in self-made prisons of their own insecurities, fear of being out, fear of being alone, fear of taking the risk. Main reason is imagining what could go wrong. Avoid it.

Wrong People Surrounding

Surround yourself with positive influences, people who uplift and support you. If you are around negative people, you start becoming more negative.

Only Thinking Of Yourself

Some people are so self-absorbed that everything seems revolving around them. It is equally important to be humble and grateful for what others have instead of just being obsessed with your own achievements.

Only Complaining

It makes your thoughts prefer the negative aspects, and it stops you from seeing what you need and how to get it and instead focuses on what you don’t have.

Lacking Discipline

Discipline is nothing but a tough mindset for yourself and not being loose or compromising for what needs for your future. Focusing on something that is pleasurable now and avoiding hard stuff for the future is lacking discipline.


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