7 Habits That Shows You Are A Perfectionist

Vanshika Dwivedi
Sep 10, 2024

Do it all or nothing:

perfectionists have this trait where they do not like the mid way either they will complete it all or they will absolutely skip it.

Highly Critical:

They are highly critical in nature. There are more chances to be the one and only critic of their own work.

Unrealistic Standards:

Sometimes they set unrealistic standards. Which makes it hard to achieve.

Works with the Fear:

Perfectionists have this habit of working while feeling the fear of doing it wrong or not perfect.

Focus on results:

A perfectionist might believe in the output only. Which contributes to attracting stress.

Pressure of Goals:

As the trait of setting unrealistic standards builds the pressure on the mind.


As a perfectionist they might get defensive quickly. As facing the critic or rejections can be a daunting task.


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