7 Habits Which Are Holding You Back

Aug 14, 2024

Skipping your Breakfast

Our body will be Tired and Sleepy if we skip Breakfast and also make us Unwell. So we should not skip breakfast.

Lack Of Sleep

Not getting Enough or Proper sleep might cause us Health Problems and also make our immune system weak. It also impacts our mood and cognitive function.


Thinking Negative and talking to yourself negatively makes us Less or Underconfident and also causes Lack of Motivation.

Not Drinking Enough Water

Lack of Water in our body leads to Dehydration, Fatigue and Headaches etc. Drinking at least 4-7 Liters of Water per day is important.

No Workout

Not doing any physical activity or any workout may lead to problems such as Obesity, Cancer in some parts of the body, Diabetes etc.

Comparison with Others

It’s a basic Human Nature to compare ourselves with others but constant comparison leads to insecurity, under confidence and sometimes creates Self-Hatred.


Extremely procrastinating might lead to incomplete work causing stress and a bad reputation.


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