7 Hacks to Improve Students Focus

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 06, 2024

Put the distraction away

if you want to improve concentration, before you start your work, clear your immediate environment of potential distractions. When revising in the classroom, teachers could encourage students to put their phones in their bags or leave them in their lockers

Choose your study mate carefully

Working with other people has been associated with reducing stress, improving performance and developing resilience. It can also help boost focus and work ethic

Take notes in class

Taking notes in class gives students something positive and productive to focus on. This will reduce their need to seek distractions elsewhere

Face forward

People tend to focus on what they can see. Simply put, if you are not facing the person who is talking to you then you are more likely to be distracted by what is in your eye-line

Set your regularly deadlines

Research suggests that most students are poor predictors at estimating how long a task will take to complete, as they get distracted or face unexpected obstacles along the way

Do the hard task early

The harder the task, the more energy and concentration we need to complete it. It therefore makes sense to do the hardest and most important tasks early

Get a good night’s sleep

Evidence suggests that those who get a good night’s sleep have far better focus, concentration and self-regulation the next day

Improve students’ focus

There are many strategies that teachers can introduce in the classroom to improve students’ focus, which can also be applied outside of school to create habits that have long-lasting positive effects


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