7 Herbs To Naturally Darken Grey Hair

Kirti Mahor
Dec 04, 2024


The Indian gooseberry, known for its conditioning and hair-darkening properties, has been utilized for centuries to promote hair growth and strength.

Brahmi Bringaraj

This natural herb is present in all natural shampoos and oils, nourishing the root, reducing hair fall, and preventing premature greying.


This herb, commonly used by women, provides natural black shine and strong, healthy hair growth.


Coconut, a popular ingredient in South India, is known for its cooling properties and hair-darkening and strengthening properties when applied to hair.


Mix water and oil from flowers the next morning to darken hair strands.

Sesame Seed

This oil, rich in vitamins and antioxidants, can prevent greying of hair by combining it with olive or almond oil.


This herb is commonly used in skincare and hair products to improve scalp blood circulation, thereby promoting lustrous black hair.


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