7 Hygiene Rules You Must Teach Your Child

Akriti Mishra
Oct 01, 2024


Teach your child the importance of washing their hands regularly, especially before eating, after using the bathroom, and after playing outside.

Brushing teeths

Encourage your child to brush their teeth at least twice a day and floss daily. Explain to them the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene to prevent cavities and promote healthy teeth.

Bathing Regularly

Make it a habit for your child to bathe or shower regularly. Bathing keeps the body clean to prevent body odor and skin issues.

Nail Care

Teach your child to keep their nails clean and trimmed. Explain to them how dirty nails can make them fall sick as they have germs inside them.

Clean Clothes

Make it a habit to wear clean clothes daily as it ensures no germs remain on our bodies.

Covering Mouth and Nose

Educate your child on the importance of covering their mouth and nose with a tissue or their elbow when sneezing or coughing to prevent the spread of germs.

Avoiding Sharing Personal Items

Sharing is indeed caring. However, sharing personal items such as towels, toothbrushes, or hairbrushes can transmit germs and lead to infections. Thus encourage them to avoid sharing these things.


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