7 Iconic Quotes By Michael Jackson

Prachi Prakhar
Sep 03, 2024


"If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with."


"I am the captain of my ship. I take suggestions and listen to what everyone has to say, but the final decision is mine."


"I would like some way to disappear where people don't see me anymore at some point. I don't want to grow old. I never want to look in the mirror and see that."


"The greatest education in the world is watching the masters at work."


"A star can never die. It just turns into a smile and melts back into the cosmic music, the dance of life."


"Music has been my outlet, my gift to all of the lovers in this world. Through it, my music, I know I will live forever."


"I have confidence in my abilities. I have real perseverance. Nothing can stop me when I put my mind to it."


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