7 Ideas To Avoid Tearing Your Paratha While Stuffing

Shubhi Kumar
Oct 21, 2024

Use Soft Dough

Knead the dough until it’s soft and pliable. This makes it easier to roll out without tearing.

Rest the Dough

Allow the dough to rest for at least 30 minutes. This relaxes the gluten, making it less likely to break.

Roll Evenly

When rolling out the paratha, ensure it’s an even thickness throughout. Uneven areas are more prone to tearing.

Apply Oil or Ghee

Lightly oil the surface of the rolled-out paratha before adding the stuffing. This helps create a barrier and keeps it moist.

Use Appropriate Stuffing

Choose stuffing that isn’t too wet. If using vegetables, ensure they’re well-drained to prevent sogginess.

Don't Overstuff

Be mindful of the quantity of stuffing you use. Overstuffing can lead to bursting when you fold or roll the paratha.

Seal Properly

After adding the stuffing, gently gather the edges of the paratha and pinch them together, ensuring a tight seal to prevent leakage.


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