7 Indian Foods For Weight Loss

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Steamed rice cakes made from fermented rice and urad dal. They are low in calories and can be paired with sambar for a balanced meal.


Made from cracked wheat, Dalia is high in fiber and low in calories and has been shown to help with weight loss.

Dahi Poha

Try dahi poha. Poha along with curd is one of the healthiest weight loss combinations and has few calories.

Tandoori Chicken

Roasted or grilled in a tandoor oven, grilled or tandoori chicken is marinated in yogurt and spices, then cooked without excess oil and lean protein is essential for weight loss.

Vegetable Sabzi

Mixed vegetable sabzi (cooked vegetables) is low in calories and rich in vitamins and minerals. Use less oil and avoid potatoes for a lighter option.

Palak Paneer

Best for vegetarians, this nutritious dish is made with spinach and paneer, which is delicious and healthy.


A yogurt-based side dish mixed with vegetables like cucumber or carrots. It's a great low-calorie side that aids digestion.


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