7 Interesting Facts About Koalas

Akriti Mishra
Sep 23, 2024

Native to Australia

Koalas are mostly found in Australia. The distribution of koalas covers Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, and a small area in South Australia.

Sleepy Creatures

Koalas can sleep up to 18-22 hours every day as they get very little energy due to their leaf-based diet.

Eucalyptus Diet

Their diet primarily consists of eucalyptus leaves, which are toxic to most animals. They can digest it due to their good tolerance levels.

Rarely Drink Water

Koala’s literal translation is “no water” which means they get all the hydration from the leaves they eat and barely drink water.

Pouch for Babies

Female koalas share features like a Kangaroos as they have pouches where they carry their babies (joeys) for about 6 months.


Koalas are generally solitary animals and start living in a territory away from home. They only come together during mating season.

Excellent sense of smell

Koala have a strong ability to smell which helps them in making better food choices as they first sniff leaves than decide to eat.


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