7 Life-Changing Lessons from Chanakya Neeti

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 22, 2024

1. Importance of Education

Chanakya explained that an educated person will always be respected in society. A rich man can lose his wealth, and beauty over time but education and knowledge never leave a person in any condition.

2. Never Tell Your Secrets to Anyone

Chanakya said that in any circumstance your weaknesses or strengths, you should not share your secrets with anyone, because you never know when they can use them against you.

3. Learn From Other's Mistakes

Use the experiences of others as a guide. By observing their failures and successes, you can avoid their pitfalls and make wiser choices in your own journey.

4. Ask Three Questions To Yourself

Chanakya emphasised that before starting anything, always ask these questions: "Why Am I Doing This?", "What Might the Results Be?" and "Can I Be Successful?"

5. Find God Within You

Explore and nurture your inner strengths and virtues. True spiritual and personal growth comes from understanding and developing your own inner self.

6. Debt is the Biggest Enemy

Avoiding debt is crucial for maintaining financial stability and peace of mind. Chanakya believed debt can become a significant obstacle in achieving your goals.

7. Over-Attachment

Guard against becoming overly attached to people or possessions. Such attachments can lead to emotional turmoil and distract you from your priorities.


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