7 Morning Habits Of Toppers

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 29, 2024

Wake-Up Early

Toppers typically get up early to start the day with a head start. This calm period provides distraction-free time for concentrated study or planning.

Morning Exercise

Exercise, whether it be yoga, running, or weightlifting, serves to energize the body and mind and provide a positive outlook for the day.

Healthy Breakfast

A nutritious breakfast fuels the brain and body, ensuring sustained energy and concentration throughout the day.

Effective Study

Since the mind is typically fresher and more awake in the morning, learning complex subjects or issues requiring great focus are commonly done during this time.

Planning the Day

The most productive people schedule their days early in the morning, laying out their responsibilities and assigning time slots.


Reading in the morning improves knowledge and stimulates the intellect, whether it be with academic or inspirational content.


Toppers frequently refrain from using social media or doing other distracting activities first thing in the morning, which helps them stay focused on their objectives and academics.


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