7 Myths That Everyone Believes

Aug 07, 2024

Napoleon Bonaparte’s height was short

His English enemies spread the rumour that he’s short in height as he wore long hats to appear long in height.

Spain was responsible for the Spanish Flu

It was the first country to speak about this disease hence gaining the name “Spanish Flu”. This flu first appeared in “Kansas” city.

Jesus Christ was born on 25th December.

He wasn’t born on 25th December but around 4-6 BC. 25th December was given the birth date of Jesus Christ to celebrate the Pagan Festival.

Thomas Alva Edison invented the lightbulb.

It was originally invented and patented by Henry Woodward and Mathew Evand but he forced them to drop the idea as they didn’t have funding and then acquired their idea as his.

“Let them eat cake”

Marie-Antoinette said this to the peasants who complained about the increasing Bread prices.

America was discovered by Christopher Columbus

He discovered America in 1492 but before discovering America it was occupied by Siberians and Alaskan people.

George Washington's teeth were made of wood

George Washington didn’t smile much and had one tooth left when he came into power, and he also owned many dentures.


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