7 Natural Remedies To Beat Monsoon Ailments

Turmeric and Honey Boost

Mix a teaspoon of turmeric powder with honey to strengthen immunity against infections commonly seen in monsoon.

Ginger Tea Elixir

Brew ginger tea with a dash of lemon and honey. Ginger helps soothe the throat and boosts digestion, essential during monsoon.

Tulsi Power

Chew on fresh tulsi leaves daily. Tulsi has antiviral and antibacterial properties that aid in preventing respiratory infections.

Garlic for Immunity

Consume raw garlic cloves or add them to meals. Garlic boosts immunity and fights off colds and flu typical in monsoon.

Neem's Antiseptic Action

Boil neem leaves in water and use this solution to bathe. Neem is known for its antifungal properties, keeping skin infections at bay.

Stay Hydrated with Herbal Infusions

Drink herbal teas like peppermint, chamomile, or lemongrass to stay hydrated and boost immunity.

Warm Salt Water Gargle

Ease throat irritation and prevent infections by gargling with warm salt water daily.


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