7 Natural Ways To Remove Facial Hairs

Vanshika Dwivedi
Sep 02, 2024

Gram Flour and Milk:

Take a tablespoon of gram flour and add milk to make a thick paste. Apply it on your face and remove it by scrubbing. This reverse motion will remove the facial hairs easily.

Egg Mask:

Take an egg whisk it until it becomes forty. Now apply and wait until it gets dry. Peel it off.

Papaya and Turmeric:

Take papaya and add a pinch of turmeric to blend the mixture. Apply and wait until it gets dry. Now gently massage in circular motion.

Sugar and Lemon juice:

Take lemon juice and add sugar. Now heat the mixture. Let it cool down, not apply it on the face. When it gets dry, peel it off.

Oatmeal and banana:

Make a tick paste with oatmeal powder and banana pulp. Apply it on the face and let it dry. Now you can rinse it off.

Lemon and Honey:

Take lemon juice and add the honey into it now apply the mask on the face. You can wait for 15-20 minutes. Rinse it off while massaging.

Potato and Lentil Mask:

Take some potato juice and add the overnight soaked yellow lentil paste out of it. Apply it for 15-20 minutes. Rinse it off while massaging.


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