7 Perfect Steps to Grow Dhaniya (Coriander) in Your Kitchen Garden

Siddhi Sharma
Sep 30, 2024

Select a Sunny Area

Pick a spot that receives at least 4–5 hours of sunlight per day to promote good growth and tasty dhaniya leaves.

Get the Soil Ready

Use nutrient-rich, well-drained soil. Incorporate organic matter or compost into the soil to supply vital nutrients for healthy coriander plants.

Allow the Seeds to Soak

To hasten germination, immerse dhaniya seeds for a whole night. By softening the seed coat, this process promotes faster seedling sprouting.

Plant the Seeds

Evenly distribute the moistened seeds around the soil's surface, then lightly cover with more dirt. Reduce the planting depth to improve germination.

Water Regularly

To keep the soil damp but not soggy, water it gradually. Coriander needs constant hydration, particularly in the beginning of its growth.

Thin the Seedlings

Thin the seedlings to allow for appropriate spacing after they reach a few inches in height. This guarantees that every plant receives enough nutrients and room.

Harvest Fresh Leaves

When the leaves are four to six inches long, cut them. Frequent picking encourages bushier growth, so fresh dhaniya is always available.


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