7 Phrases That Can Make You Sound Less Confident

Prachi Prakhar
Sep 09, 2024

I’m not sure but…

Starting a sentence with 'I'm not sure but...' can hurt your confidence. It tells others that you are unsure of what you are saying, even if it is true.

This might be a stupid question…

Don't weaken your confidence by saying 'This might be a stupid question...' before asking something. It shows you don't trust your own judgment.

I’ll try…

Saying 'I'll try' can make you seem less confident. Instead of using this phrase, say 'I will' to show conviction and commitment.

I just…

Using the word 'just' can make you sound less confident. Also it can weaken your authority. Instead of this, state your thoughts directly and confidently.

Sorry, but…

Saying 'Sorry, but...' is like apologizing for your opinion before you even share it. Try to break this habit and instead of it express your thoughts directly.

I guess…

Starting sentences with 'I guess' can make you sound uncertain and hesitant. It is like you are not fully backing your own thoughts.


Starting sentences with 'Actually...' can make you sound unsure. Instead of using this, get straight to your point without using filler words.


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