Books To Understand Israel-Palestine Conflict Better

(Pic: Reuters)

Israel-Palestine Conflict

On October 7, 2023, Palestinian militant groups led by Hamas launched a attack against Israel from the Gaza Strip, leading to thousands of death. Here are 7 books that will give you a sense of the contentious decades-long relationship between Israel and Palestine, that has shaped the history of Middle East. (Pic: ANI)

My Promised Land: The Triumph And Tragedy Of Israel

This book by Ari Shavit is based on interviews, historical documents, diaries, and his own family’s history, as he tries to examine what Israel means to the Jews and the country's difficult present-day reality.

In Search Of Fatima

Ghada Karmi's book is a powerful memoir where the author speaks of her childhood spent in Palestine and her flight to Britain. The political events of the day, loss and displacement act as a backdrop to the author's personal tale.

To the End of the Land

David Grossman's novel focuses on the strain on families whose members go off to the war. Ora, a divorced mother, is shattered when her son decides to voluntarily to return to military service. The book traces the humungous human toll of Israel-Palestine conflict.

Out Of Place

Edward W. Said is a key intellectual of our times and his book is an extraordinary story of exile and a celebration of an irretrievable past. In 1991, Said received a fatal medical diagnosis, following which he decided to write a memoir on the lost Arab world of his early years in Palestine, Lebanon, and Egypt.

My Father Was A Freedom Fighter

In this book, Ramzy Baroud tells the story of his father who was forced to leave his village in Palestine and take shelter in a refugee camp, and how he went on to become a freedom fighter even as he tried to strike a balance as a husband and a father in a world devastated by war.

On Palestine

Noam Chomsky and Ilan Pappé's book provides a brilliant account of Palestine's history. It is a sequel to their acclaimed book, 'Gaza in Crisis'.

Six Days Of War

One of the blurbs in the book written by Michael B. Oren says: "The Arab-Israeli war of 1967 lasted for only six days. However in reality, the war between the two countries never ended." This book is an important material on the six-day war the making of Modern Middle East.


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