7 Proven Ways To Improve Your Communication Skills

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 05, 2024

Learn the basics of nonverbal communication

To communicate clearly and confidently, adopt proper posture. Avoid slouching,folding your arms or making yourself appear smaller than you are. Instead, fill up the space you are given, maintain eye contact and (if appropriate) move around the space

You have to over-communicate just to communicate

Study shows that it is important to communicate clearly, and to over-communicate when sharing new ideas. As this study indicates, the audience will likely fail to absorb as much as you expect.

Avoid relying on visual aids

Be prepared to use words, compelling storytelling and nonverbal cues to communicate your point to the audience. Avoid using visual aids unless necessary

Ask for honest Feedback

As with most leadership skills, receiving honest feedback from peers, managers and members of your team is critical to becoming a better communicator.

Engage the audience in discussion

Ask the audience a question, encourage people to call out their thoughts during a brainstorming session or at the very least ask hypothetical questions to stimulate the audience

Start and End with key points

Clear communication is of paramount importance. To ensure that the audience understands the key takeaways from a presentation, reiterate key points at the start and finish

Record important presentations for posterity

Recorded presentations can be especially helpful for communicators who need to regularly provide training in a company that is hiring employees quickly


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