7 Questions To Avoid On First Date

Why are you single?

This question can come off as judgmental and intrusive. It might make your date feel defensive or uncomfortable.

How much money do you make?

Asking about someone's income is considered impolite and invasive. It can make your date feel like you’re more interested in their financial status than in getting to know them.

What's your political inclination?

Political discussions can quickly become heated and divisive, which isn't ideal for a first date. It's better to save this topic for when you know each other better.

How many people have you slept with?

Questions about past sexual experiences are too personal for a first date and can create unnecessary tension or judgment.

Where do you see this relationship going?

On a first date, it's premature to discuss the future of a relationship. It can put undue pressure on your date and make things feel rushed.

Why did your last relationship end?

Talking about past relationships can bring up painful memories and might make your date feel like they’re being analyzed or judged.

Do you want kids?

While it's an important topic for the future, discussing it on a first date can feel too serious and can make your date feel like they're being evaluated for long-term compatibility right away.


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