7 Quick Banana Recipes You Can Make In No Time

Anupama Jha
Sep 06, 2024

Quick Banana Smoothie

Blend 1 banana with 1 cup of milk, a spoonful of honey, and a handful of ice. Perfect for a refreshing breakfast or snack!

Classic Banana Pancakes

Mash 2 bananas and mix with 1 cup of pancake batter. Cook on a hot griddle for fluffy, banana-infused pancakes.

Banana Oat Cookies

Combine 2 mashed bananas with 1 cup of oats, a handful of chocolate chips, and bake at 180°C (350°F) for 10-12 minutes.

Banana Nut Muffins

Mix 3 mashed bananas with 1 cup of flour, 1/2 cup of sugar, and a handful of walnuts. Bake at 180°C (350°F) for 20-25 minutes.

Banana Yogurt Parfait

Layer slices of banana with Greek yogurt and granola. Top with a drizzle of honey for a delicious and healthy snack.

Banana Fritters

Combine 2 mashed bananas with 1/2 cup of flour and a pinch of baking powder. Fry spoonfuls of the mixture until golden brown.

Frozen Banana Bites

Dip banana slices in melted chocolate and freeze. Enjoy as a sweet and crunchy treat!


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