(All photos credit: X & freepik)
"Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same."
"There is no greater sorrow than the loss of a loved one, for their absence leaves a void in the heart that no one else can fill."
"The past is a shadow that lingers too long, but the future is a mystery—its uncertainties both excite and frighten me."
"I know that my heart will never be free from the torment of loving you, even if I wish it otherwise. I will carry the memory of you with me to my grave."
"We are all fools in the end. But it is the fools who hold the most courage, because they risk everything for what they love."
"The very essence of the human soul lies in the love we give to others, and that love endures beyond the limits of earthly time."
"I have not one word of that language I have just been speaking. You must not doubt me, but my heart has no words for such thoughts. It only shows you its secret."