7 Reasons To Eat Banana Daily

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 07, 2024

Rich in potassium:

Bananas are rich in potassium. This improves the overall health.

Helps in Digestion:

Bananas are rich in fibre. As they contribute to better digestion and improves overall health.


Bananas boost the energy level as they are rich in carbohydrates. Which gives a breeze of energy.

Better Mood:

It boosts the mood as there are some vitamins in bananas which further convert in serotonin. Which makes the mood better.

Bone Health:

Vitamin C and essential minerals are there in the bananas and they might keep your bones healthy.

Healthy Skin:

Bananas contain vitamin A,C and E. Which are known for the skin improvement and makes the skin health better.


Banana keeps the body nourished from inside. As it is high in water content that helps in this process.


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