7 Reasons To Quit Sugar Intake

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 14, 2024

Makes You Lethargic

High sugar foods cause an energy boost followed by a crash, leading to a sugar cycle.

Triggers Anxiety and Depression

Despite boosting mood, sugar causes fatigue, anxiety, and depression by spiking dopamine and adrenaline levels.

Lowers Your Immunity

Excess sugar deactivates white blood cells, weakening immunity; just one sugary drink can impair defense.

Increases Risk Of Heart Diseases

Sugar-rich foods spike insulin, damaging blood vessel linings, causing inflammation, and increasing cardiac disease risk.

Increases Lipid Levels

Refined sugar raises triglycerides and LDL, lowers HDL, narrows arteries, and stresses heart function.

Increases Risk Of sugar disease

Regular sugar intake increases insulin levels, leading to insulin resistance, diabetes, weight gain, and heart risks.

Causes Weight Gain

Excess sugary foods cause insulin and leptin resistance, leading to fat storage and weight gain.


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