7 Reasons Why You Have Trust Issues

Akriti Mishra
Sep 30, 2024

Childhood Trauma

Trust issues usually stem from our childhood experiences. Growing up in an environment where trust was broken esp from caregivers can shape you into trusting less as an adult.

Past Betrayals

If you have experienced any betrayal in your past relationships, whether from friends, family, or romantic partners, it can lead to difficulties in trusting others.

Toxic Relationships

Being in toxic or unhealthy relationships in the past can also make your guards up, leading you to generalise those experiences

Fear of Vulnerability

A fear of being vulnerable or exposed in front of somebody can also make it challenging to trust others, as you may worry about getting hurt or rejected.

Low Self-Esteem

Feeling unworthy or unlovable can also contribute to trust issues, as you may constantly doubt that others can genuinely care for or support you.


Mental health issues like anxiety can make you overthink your decision and choices in any relationship, leading to high chances of distrust.

Feeling Insecure

Insecure attachment styles formed in childhood can also impact how you perceive trust in adult relationships.


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