7 Red Flags To Look For Guy On First Date

Zee Media Bureau
May 26, 2024


If he belittles you, interrupts you constantly, or makes you feel uncomfortable, this is a major red flag.


Pay attention to how he treats waitstaff, cashiers, or anyone else you interact with during the date. Is he rude or condescending behavior towards others is a bad sign?

Self-Centered Conversation

If he dominates the conversation and shows little interest in getting to know you, it can indicate narcissistic tendencies or a lack of empathy.

Negative Attitude

Excessive negativity or complaining about ex-partners, work, or life in general can suggest a negative outlook on life, which might be draining in a relationship.


If he frequently changes details about his life, it might indicate dishonesty.

Overly Critical

Being overly critical about minor things or making harsh judgments about people or situations can indicate a tendency towards negativity and a lack of compassion.

Talks About Sex Too Soon

If he brings up sexual topics too early in the conversation or makes inappropriate comments, it can be a sign that he is more interested in a physical relationship than getting to know you as a person.


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