7 Rules Of Reading Bhagavad Gita

Vanshika Dwivedi
Sep 06, 2024

One Chapter At a Time:

Do not try to rush or take the burden. Read one chapter at a time.


Set your intention before reading the Bhagavad gita. Surrender yourself when starting to read the bhagavad gita.

Seek Learnings:

When you are trying to read bhagavad gita seek for guidance, Do not bound yourself with the prefix thoughts.

Maintain a Routine:

Do not procrastinate and maintain your routine. As it is believed that not reading it daily shows less dedication.


Bathing before reading is important. As water helps to clean yourself and make you awake.

Daily Chanting:

Try to stay consistent and read along with chanting. Chanting the name of Lord Krishna helps.

Apply Teachings:

Don't just read the words written in bhagavad gita. Try to apply the teaching from bhagavad gita.


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