7 Side Effects of Packaged Drinking Water

(All photo credit: freepik)

Zee Media Bureau
Jul 28, 2024

Exposure to Toxic Byproducts

Some bottled water is disinfected using chemical processes that can produce harmful byproducts, which may pose health risks when consumed over time and long exposure to sunlight increases the formation of these byproducts.

Water Source

Not knowing where the water has been taken from and if it is filtered properly is a big risk for consumption.


Regular consumption of bottled water can be significantly more expensive compared to tap water, leading to unnecessary financial strain and also unhealthy.

Plastic Taste and Odor

Chemicals from plastic bottles can affect the taste and odor of the water, which might indicate contamination and adversely affect health.

Environmental Pollution

Packaged Drinking Water production, transportation, and disposal contribute to environmental pollution, indirectly affecting human health through contaminated ecosystems and food chains.

Nutrients Loss

Bottled waters undergo extensive filtration that removes essential minerals like calcium and magnesium, potentially leading to nutrient deficiencies over time.

Gastrointestinal Issues

Improper storage or contamination during the bottling process can lead to bacterial growth, which can cause gastrointestinal infections and illnesses and make the gut unhealthy.


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