7 Signs Of A Toxic Friendship

Zee Media Bureau
Apr 14, 2024

Constant Criticism

A toxic friend might constantly criticize you, your choices, or your life, making you feel inadequate or insecure.

One-Sided Relationship

If the friendship feels one-sided, where you are always giving and the other person is always taking without reciprocating, it could be toxic.

Lack of Trust

Trust is crucial in any relationship. If you feel like you can't trust your friend or they betray your trust repeatedly, it's a sign of toxicity.


Toxic friends often use manipulation to get what they want. They may guilt-trip you, play mind games, or use emotional blackmail.

Draining Energy

Spending time with a toxic friend leaves you feeling drained, emotionally exhausted, or even depressed.

Negative Influence

A toxic friend may encourage you to engage in harmful behaviours or activities that go against your values.

Lack of Respect

If your friend consistently disrespects your boundaries, ignores your feelings, or belittles you, it's a clear sign of toxicity.


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