7 Signs That Your Child is Unhappy

Aug 29, 2024

Irritated or Frustrated

If you see your child oftenly irritated or frustrated, that means there is something that is bothering them. Irritability is often a symptom of depression in kids.

Fake Smile

Kids who are unhappy often fake a smile or they have a hard time to smile or laugh genuinely.

Wetting the Bed

If the kid is wetting the bed at a certain age, then it surely is related to trouble, be it physical or mental. This is a symptom that they are having trouble coping with something big going on in their life.

Less communication

If your kid is talking less or is quiet more often now that means something is going on and they are not able to share it with you. Check upon them and try not to scold them and become their friend.

Poor Health

Studies have shown that a human’s emotional state is connected with their immune system. So if your child is unhappy, it will surely reflect on their health. If the child is frequently getting ill, then something might be up with them.

Low Appetite

When we are upset, we lose our appetite. Same happens with the kids. If your child is eating less, then discuss the issue with them and solve the problem.

Don’t want to go to school

There might be many reasons why a child doesn’t want to go to school such as boredom, nervousness etc. If your child is frequently asking not to send them to school it might be bullying, anxiety or depression. Talk to them and for more clarification visit a therapist.


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