7 Signs To Know Whether Your Friend Is Real Or Fake

Priyanka Soam
Sep 12, 2024

Making Fun Of Personal Matters

Teasing is a very common thing in a friendship. But a real friend can never mock you on your personal struggles and issues.


True friends never judge each other rather they understand each other’s circumstances and help each other.

Gossiping About Your Secret

A real friend should respect your secrets and insecurities, and never share them with others.

Making Excuses

A friend in need is a friend indeed but if your friends make excuses when you are in any problem instead of helping can be a sign of fake friendship.

Not Caring For You

True friends always care for each other, in every situation rather than ignoring your feelings or fears.

Not Being Happy For Your Success

A true friend will always celebrate your achievements and support your goals, rather than being jealous.

Hiding Important Information

A friendship is a promise of trust and honesty, where you can share your feelings without any hesitation or honesty, so if your friend is hiding something it can be a sign of fake friendship.


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