7 Signs You Are Dealing With A Narcissist

Akriti Mishra
Sep 03, 2024

Constant Need for Praise

Narcissists constantly thrive on admiration, always wanting to be the centre of attention. They often expect special treatment, as if you owe them something

Lack of Empathy

If you’re dealing with a narcissist, you might find that they struggle to genuinely care about what others are going through. They remain distant when there’s an emotional exchange happening.

Superiority Complex

These people often view themselves as the best above the rest. Constantly bragging about accomplishments, exaggerating talents, or believing they’re destined for greatness is something the biggest sign to identify a narcissist.


Narcissists often feel envious of others who receive attention or success. Instead of being happy for others, they might try to belittle them, using harsh comments.

Manipulative Tendencies

Narcissists are masters of manipulation. They’ll use guilt, flattery, or even threats to get what they want, often twisting situations to serve their own needs without a second thought.

Can’t Handle Criticism

Narcissists can’t take any criticism against themselves. They would rather turn out to become more defensive, angry, or even lash out. Instead of taking responsibility, they might shift the blame onto someone else or completely deny.

Shallow Relationships

Narcissists often see relationships as trade, focusing on what they can gain rather than building deep, meaningful connections. They keep changing friends or partners time to time if they don’t get what they want.


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