7 Simple Hacks To Beat Procrastination

Shweta Malik
Sep 10, 2024

2-Minute Rule

The 2-Minute Rule means if a task takes 2 minutes or less, do it right away. This helps you get things done quickly and build momentum for bigger tasks.

Macro Goals And Micro Quotas

Macro goals are your big targets, and micro quotas are the small steps to reach them. Using both helps beat procrastination by making big tasks feel easier and more manageable.

Don't Waste Time

Not wasting time helps beat procrastination because it keeps you working steadily and avoids last-minute stress. Using your time well helps you get things done on time.

Focus And Accountability

Focus and accountability help beat procrastination because they keep you on track and make sure you get things done.

To Do List

A to-do list is necessary to beat procrastination because it helps you stay organized and make big tasks feel easier. It breaks things into smaller steps, so you know what to do and can get started more easily.

Reactivate The Mind

Reactivating the mind helps beat procrastination by getting you interested and focused. It makes starting a task easier and helps you stay motivated.

1% Rule

The 1 percent rule means you start a task by just doing it for a tiny bit of time, like 5 minutes. This makes it easier to get started and often leads to doing more than you planned.


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