Glycerin is the most common ingredient found in soaps and body washes, as it bonds with water to keep your skin moisturized and hydrated.
Coconut milk contains antibacterial properties which are good for oily and acne-prone skin, and gently removes dead skin cells.
Honey is a natural moisturizer that keeps your skin from drying out. It is an antibacterial agent that reduces inflammation and maintains the elasticity of your skin.
Olive oil contains moisturizer and is often used in body washes and soaps for extra moisturization. It nourishes your skin and reduces oxidative damage.
Almond oil has moisturising properties that help loosen dead skin cells and make the cleansing process easier.
Components like Omega-3, OMega-9 fatty acids, Vitamin E and other proteins in castor oil work great for your skin.
Along with its moisturizing properties, shea butter helps soothe skin allergies, sunburn, and rashes and facilitates wound healing.