7 Simple Magic Tricks For Beginners

Akriti Mishra
Sep 21, 2024

Vanishing Coin

Hold a coin in your hand, pretend to transfer it to the other. Do some magic spell and then make it disappear magically. This classic trick is simple yet always leaves people amazed.

Floating Pencil

Create the illusion of a pencil floating between your hands. By subtly balancing it on your thumb, you can easily do this trick to surprise others.

Magic Thumb Trick

Make your thumb appear to detach from your hand. Use your fingers cleverly to cover and then reveal it, to look like a true magician.

Coin Through the Table

Make it seem like a coin is passing right through a solid table by cleverly using a hidden duplicate and some skilled hand.

Invisible String Trick

Most straightforward yet captivating trick where you can create the illusion of small objects floating in mid-air by cleverly attaching them to an invisible string.

Jumping Rubber Band

Perform the astonishing trick of making a rubber band leap from one hand to the other without any visible means.

Zigzag Pencil

Make a pencil appear to bend and then straighten magically in your hands. This trick doesn’t require much equipment, just do it easily and shine.


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