7 Smart Tips To Ask For Pay Hike

Zee Media Bureau
Apr 02, 2024

1. Timing

While you might feel worried about asking for more money, remember that it's not as stressful for your boss. They talk about salaries often, so it won't be a big deal for them.

2. Choose Right Time

Because your manager is a person with regular feelings, it's a good idea to pick a good time when you talk to them.

3. Appraisal Time

If your company usually gives out raises once a year, make sure you know when that usually is. Sometimes, it might be around the time you started working there.

4. Salary Landscape

Before talking about your salary, it's best to understand how much others doing similar work in your area are paid. If you realize you're paid less than what's typical, you can use that as a reason to ask for a raise.

5. Company Response

It's good to understand how your company usually gives out pay increases, so you can know what might happen for you.

6. Fairly Brief

How you can ask for a raise is the basic question one needs to deal with. Try to brief the reasons why you deserved the raise. The request for a pay hike should be fairly brief.

7. Substitute

If your boss has denied the request for a pay hike, don't be disappointed. Look out for the substitutes or try to convince them in the next meeting.


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