7-Step Holi Skincare Routine

Pre-Holi Oil Application

Apply coconut oil or olive oil to your skin before heading out. This creates a protective barrier and makes it easier to wash off the colors.


Keep your skin and body well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water before, during, and after the celebrations.

Use Organic Colors

If possible, opt for organic and natural colors which are less likely to cause skin irritation or damage.

Gentle Cleansing

After Holi, gently cleanse your skin with a mild cleanser to remove the colors. Avoid scrubbing harshly.


Apply a soothing and hydrating moisturizer after washing off the colors to restore your skin's moisture balance.

Lip Protection

Use a good quality lip balm to protect your lips, as they can also be affected by colors and sun exposure.

Post-Holi Skin Soothing

Use homemade packs made from ingredients like aloe vera, cucumber, or yogurt to soothe the skin if you experience irritation.


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