7 Steps to Creating Better Goal

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 07, 2024

What is goal setting?

Goal setting is a purposeful and explicit process that starts with identifying a new objective, skill, or project you want to achieve. Then, you make a plan for achieving it, and you work to complete it

Why is goal setting important?

Setting goals keeps you moving and feeling productive, while significantly benefitting your Life

Think about the results you want to see

If you create a long list of goals to pursue all at the same time, you may have a difficult time achieving any of them. Instead, use the questions above to determine which goals matter the most to you right now, and then focus on those few

Create SMART goals

The most important part of SMART goal setting is to make your goal specific so you can track your progress and know whether you met the goal. The more specific you can be with your goal, the higher the chance you’ll complete it

Write your goals down

Once you’ve written your goals down, keep them somewhere visible, put personal goals up on your mirror or near your computer screen, put team goals up on the walls next to everyone’s desks, and include company goals in internal presentations.

Create an Action Plan

Many people decide on a goal but never create an action plan to determine how exactly they will meet that goal. Your action plan should include the overall goal you’re trying to meet and all the steps you need to take to get there.

Create a timeline

As part of your action plan, use a timeline maker to help visualize roles, tasks, milestones, and deadlines to achieve your goal. Once you’ve set those dates, try to stick to them as closely as possible

Take action

Now that you’ve planned everything, it’s time to act. You didn’t do all that work to forget your goal. Every step that you take should lead to another until you finish your goal

Re-evaluate and assess your progress

You need to keep your motivation strong to complete your goal. Consider scheduling a weekly evaluation, which could include measuring your progress and checking your schedule. you’ll feel more motivated to push through to the end


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