7 Things Kids Do That Hurt Their Parents

Aug 26, 2024

Ignoring their Advice

Children often tend to ignore the advice given to them by their parents which makes their parents feel neglected.

Disrespectful Attitude

Children sometimes disrespect their parents by talking back or by using harsh words.

Taking Parents for granted

Children often take their parents for granted and don’t acknowledge any efforts put by the parents to make their life better.


When kids don't openly and properly communicate with their parents it creates a sense of miscommunication between the two, upsetting both the parties.

Comparing other parents with them

Parents feel hurt when their child compares them or their parenting style to other kids' parents, making them think that they are not doing a good job as parents.

Not Acknowledging Their Efforts

Kids don’t recognize how much parents do for them and go beyond the limits to fulfill their needs and when the child doesn't acknowledge their efforts, parents feel hurt.

Showing Indifference

When kids show no interest in spending time with family or show interest in family activities, it hurts parents' sentiments.


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