Many people mistakenly believe they fully comprehend someone else's emotions, but feelings are complex and can vary greatly from person to person.
It's easy to assume others agree with you simply because they haven't voiced disagreement; this can lead to false expectations and conflicts.
Assuming someone is incapable due to their lack of experience can be misleading; everyone has unique strengths that may not be immediately visible.
Expecting others to understand your needs without communication can create frustration; clear dialogue is essential for mutual understanding and support.
Just because someone appears cheerful doesn’t mean they are; many people hide their struggles behind a smile, making open communication crucial.
Never assume someone has free time, or that they’ll prioritize what you want them to. People have different responsibilities and commitments that may not be obvious to others.
Everyone copes with challenges in different ways. Don’t assume someone handles stress or adversity in the same way you do.