7 Things You Can Say to Show Your Child Emotional Support

Aug 29, 2024

I Love You

When parents express their gratitude and love to their child, it creates an unbreakable and emotional bond between them which also ensures that they have the emotional support of their parents.

I am here for you

Such words of Affirmation from parents makes children feel less alone and they might share their problems with you. They also get a guarantee that their parents are with them.

I care about your feelings

Telling your child that their feelings matter is highly validating and respectful. They feel heard and seen when validated regarding their feelings.

I will stay until you calm down

When a child is overwhelmed, he/she sometimes needs closeness or assurance. At this moment if handled with care and letting them know that you’re there for them help them cool down easily.

I know it’s hard for you

When the child is going through something and parents tell them that they can understand the pain of their child, it creates a sense of relatability and validates them that their struggle matters and they aren’t overreacting to the situation.

Let’s Talk it Out

When your child is feeling low, you should take time and sit with them and talk to them about their problems. This will help them let out of their bubble of problems and get proper guidance from their parents.

It’s okay to feel

Sometimes, children can also feel a lot of things at once which might mess up with their emotions. Parents should help them and tell them that it’s okay to feel and figure out what they’re going through.


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