7 Time Saving Kitchen Tricks for Busy Mothers

Siddhi Sharma
Sep 05, 2024

Pre-cut Veggies for the Coming Week

Chopping vegetables in large quantities and putting them in airtight containers will save time. Ideal for quick dinners or as a weekly snack.

Freeze Leftover Sauces in Ice Trays

To make portioning easier, freeze leftover sauces in ice cube trays. For quick taste without any preparation, toss a few cubes into your upcoming recipe.

Cook Hands-Free with Slow Cookers

Put it in place and forget about it! Slow cookers simplify the process of preparing large meals, especially on busy days, by requiring little effort on your part.

Batch Cook and Freeze Meals

When doubling recipes, freeze half for a later time. This guarantees that you will always have a prepared supper on hand, particularly on hectic weeknights.

Sort and Label Pantry Goods

Use labeled containers to keep your pantry neat and organized. This reduces the time spent looking for ingredients, which improves cooking's efficiency and reduces stress.

Grate Butter for Simple Baking

Need butter cold, quick? To rapidly incorporate frozen butter into baking recipes, such as pie crusts or biscuits, grate it using a freezer bag.

Herbs Should Be Frozen

For later usage, store fresh herbs in water or chop them and freeze them in olive oil. This increases their longevity and guarantees that you will always have herbs on hand.


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