7 Tips for Restful Nights During the Festivals

Siddhi Sharma
Oct 06, 2024

Maintain a Sleep Schedule

Strive to go to bed and wake up at the same hour every day, even on celebratory occasions. This facilitates simpler falling asleep and helps balance your internal clock.

Limit Alcohol and Caffeine

These substances can interfere with sleep cycles. Eat them in moderation to avoid agitation or disturbed sleep, and stay away from eating them right before bed.

Establish a Calm Bedtime Routine

Unwind with peaceful pursuits like reading, listening to quiet music, or engaging in meditation. This assists in letting your body know when it's time to unwind and get ready for bed.

Maintain a Sleep-Friendly Bedroom

Make sure your bedroom is calm, dark, and cold. If outside noise and light from celebrations keep you from sleeping, think about using an eye mask or earplugs.

Watch Out for Heavy Festive Meals

Indigestion brought on by consuming rich or heavy meals late at night can make it hard to fall asleep. If you're hungry right before bed, choose lighter snacks to help you fall asleep.

Continue Your Physical Activity

Frequent exercise helps the body become more exhausted, which improves sleep. Try to fit in some activity, even during the holidays, such as a quick stroll or dance.

Manage Stress and Excitement

Celebrations can be stressful and exciting, which can make it difficult to sleep. Before going to bed, try journaling, yoga, or deep breathing techniques to help you de-stress and manage your stress.


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