7 Tips from Sadhguru on Balancing Work & Life

Zee Media Bureau
Jul 10, 2024

Inner Calmness:

The inner calmness is more important to deal with the external chaos. So focus on the inner healing and the rest will be managed.

Create What You Love:

Do not just run after the things without any passion. Understand what you love to do and create that. This can help you to make your life better.

Manage Your Energy:

Most of the time we think it’s about managing the time. Where it is about energy. If you are maintaining an energy flow you can do the work effectively and efficiently.

Friday Feeling:

This is a western culture where Fridays are the day to live. But this means that you are dead for the whole week. This can affect your mental well being and you might end up being fed up.

Create Space For Life:

Do not just follow the cycle without any guidance. Take out some time and energy to enjoy and see the other aspects of life. Take work as work.

Find What Bring You Joy:

Finding joy in what you are doing and what you want to do makes the difference. You will feel more motivated within yourself.

There are no Fixed Methods:

Well sadhguru says there are no fixed ways of living life but living life is important. Feeling content brings calmness.


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