7 Tips To Beat Motion Sickness

Anupama Jha
Jul 11, 2024

Choose the Right Seat

Opt for a seat where motion is minimized, such as over the wing in an airplane or in the front seat of a car. (Pic Credit: Freepik)

Focus on the Horizon

Keeping your gaze fixed on a distant point can help your brain orient itself and reduce feelings of nausea. (Pic Credit: Freepik)

Avoid Heavy Meals

Before traveling, stick to light, non-greasy foods. A heavy meal can exacerbate motion sickness symptoms.

Stay Hydrated

Dehydration can worsen motion sickness. Drink plenty of water before and during your trip.

Fresh Air

Ensure good ventilation or step outside periodically to get fresh air, which can help settle your stomach.


Ginger has natural anti-nausea properties. Consider ginger candies, tea, or supplements to ease symptoms.


Over-the-counter or prescription medications, such as antihistamines or anti-nausea drugs can be effective if taken before travel.


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